
Image "KiraNear:Yorkleff_Gif.gif"Name: KiraNear
Geburtstag / Birthday: 25.01.1992
Wohnort / Location: Deutschland / Germany
Lieblingsfarben / favorite color: Rot, Schwarz / red, black
Sprachen / languages: Deutsch, Englisch / german, english

Image "KiraNear:Yorkleff_Shiny_Gif.gif"Animes und Mangas / animes and mangas: Image "KiraNear:Lara_DS.gif"
Chobits, Death Note, Detektiv Conan, Elfenlied, One Piece, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Ranma ½, Yakitate!! Japan, School Days, Rozen Maiden, Sailor Moon, Lucky Star, Pokemon, Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate, Magister Negi Magi, Black Cat, Nadia – die Macht des Zaubersteins, Digimon, The Legend of Zelda, Dr. Slump, Get Backers, Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, Shin Chan, Wonderful Wonder World, Dragon Ball, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, Angel Beats!, Inuyasha, Code Geass, Mirai Nikki, Attack on Titan

Image "KiraNear:Yorkleff_Gif.gif"Videospiele / video games:
Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Final Fantasy Dissidia, Phoenix Wright, Golden Sun, Assassin's Creed, The 3rd Birthday, League of Legend, Nier (Gestalt), Last Window, Earthbound/Mother, Harvest Moon, Professor Layton, Saints Row the Third, Team Fortress 2, Resident Evil 5

Image "KiraNear:Yorkleff_Shiny_Gif.gif"Musik / music:
Die Ärzte, Rammstein, Bela B., Farin Urlaub, Shakira, Green Day, Game Music, Fanmusic, Dubstep, Daft Punk

Image "KiraNear:Yorkleff_Gif.gif"Filme / movies:
Disney, Nightmare before Christmas, Studio Ghibli, Die Geisha, Simpsons - der Film, Ein Zwilling kommt selten allein, X-Men, Spiderman

Image ""Image "KiraNear:Yorkleff_Shiny_Gif.gif" TV:
Dr. House, Die Nanny, Die Simpsons , South Park, Spongebob, Cosmo und Wanda -  Wenn Elfen helfen, Drawn Together, Scrubs, My little Pony - Friendship is Magic, King of Queens, The IT Crowd, Hustle, Sherlock, Sons of Anarchy

Image "KiraNear:Yorkleff_Gif.gif"Sonstiges / other matters:
Deutsche Nationalmannschaft, There she is, Angry Video Game Nerd, Cyanide & Happiness, Aligator1024/iBlali, Coldmirror, LeFloid